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English Mondays

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English Mondays Empty English Mondays

Message par Hugo Lemieux Lun 16 Mar - 13:03

I think I'm not wrong if I say that most of you can read or listen well in English. But when it comes to talking, it is a little bit more difficult isn't it? The reason is simple: while we can (or must) read and listen, we don't have many opportunities to speak. Well, that's why I tough about a way to practise my English speaking. And the idea I had was to establish the English Mondays. It's really simple, just speak in English every Monday.

OK, I know that even those who like this idea will find it awkward at first, but after some times, after the ice is broken, it's not that difficult. Sure, it may not be easy, but if it was, there would be no need to the it right? Just give it a try, it's a great opportunity to improve yourself. Just a couple of weeks and I'm sure you will see an improvement in your fluency.

I hope you will participate with great enthusiasm and enjoy the experience.

Hugo Lemieux
Hugo Lemieux
Hugo Lemieux
Représentant de 4ième Année

Masculin Nombre de messages : 27
Age : 38
Localisation : Québec
Citation favorite : Un trou noir c'est troublant -Sol
Année : J'suis un fini!
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2009

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English Mondays Empty Re: English Mondays

Message par Joannie Lun 16 Mar - 19:49

I'll sure participate at this stuff, but my only problem is that I can Speak , or understand, but I'm unable to read or write ( well..) in English!

You can count on me !
Vp Socio

Féminin Nombre de messages : 131
Age : 35
Citation favorite : Borra: Écrivez pas ce que je dis, c'est des niaiseries!
Année : 2ième année
Ce qu\'on pense de toi! : Pied de poule.
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2008

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English Mondays Empty Re: English Mondays

Message par arvi Lun 16 Mar - 20:15

k sure
Extremiste et fanatique

Masculin Nombre de messages : 111
Age : 34
Année : 2e Année
Ce qu\'on pense de toi! : Herbivore. Jungle Speed moi l'sac! La race arvienne est très loin d'être supérieure. Brun National
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2008

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English Mondays Empty Re: English Mondays

Message par Dominic Mar 17 Mar - 0:24

Fuckin' Arvi, pretty sure he's gonna mix up all of us with is 733T talking Razz
représentant de 2ième

Masculin Nombre de messages : 211
Age : 36
Année : 2eme année
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2008

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English Mondays Empty Re: English Mondays

Message par Frank Mer 18 Mar - 19:25

I'll do my best not to forget... I'm quite fucked on mondays, especially when it comes to speaking in english. Be sure I'm gonna swear a lot goddamn motherfuckers!!
Blablateur expert

Masculin Nombre de messages : 98
Age : 35
Localisation : Saguenay et Ste-foy
Citation favorite : Bang Bang Skit Skit!!
Année : Deuxième
Ce qu\'on pense de toi! : Surhomme et empereur.
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2008

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English Mondays Empty Re: English Mondays

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